ADELAIDE LURE COURSING & RACING CLUB INC (Coursing Ability) - Lure Coursing, Sun 15 Oct 2023

Event Questions

No Hounds Open Class and no Hounds Single Class

You have selected the 'Coursing Ability' event which is only for CA dogs. Make sure you select the 'Sighthounds' event to enter a hound.

Event Details

Sun 15 Oct 2023
Sun 01 Oct 2023
Sun 01-Oct-2023 12:00 AM

Location Details

University of Adelaide, Roseworthy Campus
Mudla Wirra Rd

Event Judges

Junior Courser
Coursing Ability
Coursing Ability Advanced
Coursing Ability Excellent
Coursing Ability Masters

* Update your free judges profile on DogzOnline
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