Western Australian Sleddog Sports Association

Pre-Season 'Mush Up' Camp - Sat 20 May 2023

Activity Closed

Club Activity
20th May 2022
Jarrahwood Pine Plantation

Our Pre-season 'Mush Up' camp will be held at the Jarrahwood Pine Plantation over the weekend of 20th May to 21st May 2023.

There will be no formal training or racing at this camp.

This is a great time to meet fellow mushers and prepare for the racing season ahead, have fun, relax and socialise for the weekend.

Our experienced members and beginners get to unpack their camping gear and have the opportunity to run the tracks at our very first camp event of the season, so it is a great opportunity to check out the location before the racing season begins.

WASSA will be hosting a Social Sizzle Lunch on 20th May and communal firepit's for both Friday and Saturday nights, pull up a chair, bring your bevvy and come together to get to know your fellow musher. 

Contact Details
Marilyne McPaul
0449 090 586
File Name
Mush Up Jarrahwood 2023-05-20_pdf
Items available for purchase

Activity Closed

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