QLD Obed State Trials Sub Committee
Trial Training Novice Newbies - Tue 28 Jan 2025
Activity Closed
Trail Training today
Hi all,
Training for Newbies will commence at 4pm. So if you are able to get their early, that would be great as Angela has to leave earlier than expected tonight.
Please remember this is trial training classes. Angela is working on Heeling, and ways to get your dogs heeling better. She can also work on position changes and recalls.
Angela is not working on behaviour issues with your dogs, as this is not what the class is about.
Be sure to have your crates to have your dogs in. Also make sure you are ready to work your dogs from the crate to the field. Be sure that your treats are also cut up and in
your bumbag or training pouch.
Thank you for your assistance.
New Date
I have just posted a new date up on Show Manager for the 18th, as I am unable to attend the 25th.
Novice Trial Training -4.30-5.30pm
Newbies that have onky just started with us
Training is conducted on Field 13-16