Pine Rivers Kennel Club
All Breeds Show Training - Wed 26 Mar 2025
Activity Closed
Training cancelled tonight 26/03/2025
Hi all
Due to the wet weather & the prediction of further heavy rain tonight, show training will be cancelled. You training fee will be refunded for tonight.
Show training dates for April are now open on Showmanager. Hopefully the weather will start to improve for us!
See you next week...fingers crossed!
Please pay for this week ONLY. If you want to attend another week as well go to that week and pay there.
If you pay $10 here it means there are two people attending THIS WEEK. The other $5- does not allow you to attend other weeks.
All Breeds Show Training & Socialising At Rob Akers Reserve, Bells Pocket Road, Lawnton. 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm.
Please enter via gate and walk BEHIND the building (keep RIGHT) to the far side. The grounds are being used by the Obedience Club and we can not disrupt their training.
$5 PER PERSON (No Limit on the number of dogs)