Alaskan Malamute Club, Victoria

Club Details

Alaskan Malamute Club, Victoria


The Alaskan Malamute Club, Victoria (AMCV) was formed in July, 1986, originally as a social club, and was affiliated with the Victorian Canine Association (then the Kennel Control Council) in January, 1989, and is an incorporated body.

We welcome any person who has an interest in Alaskan Malamutes or the activities we do with them, whether their dogs are Malamutes or other breeds, have pedigree papers or not. We have members from all over Australia and overseas, including some who own different breeds but enjoy our activities. We also welcome anyone who is thinking of owning a Malamute, but would like to have a look at the breed in action, speak to breeders and get some valuable information.

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