German Shepherd Dog Association of WA Inc (Obedience & Rally) - Obedience, Sat 29 Jul 2023

Event Alerts

Created: 23 May 2023

Change of Judge

Mrs V. Nemeth to replace Mrs Anne Lacey Herbert judging Rally Masters and Rally Novice classes

Event Questions

There is no FAQ for this event.

Event Details

Obedience & Rally Trial
Sat 29 Jul 2023
Mon 10 Jul 2023
Mon 17-Jul-2023 11:30 PM

Location Details

GSDA HQ Passmore St Southern River
Passmore St
Southern River

Event Judges

Community Companion Dog
Utility Dog
Utility Dog - Excellent
Rally - Novice
Rally - Advanced
Rally - Excellent
Rally - Master

* Update your free judges profile on DogzOnline
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