Muck'n Mayhem 2024 - WASSA Race 1 - 22nd & 23rd June - Sleddog Race, Sat 22 Jun 2024
WA Sleddog Sports Association first camping race for 2024 season is being held on the same race site and tracks as the Nationals will be.
North Wialki is located in the central Wheatbelt and is approximately 3.5 hours North East from Perth CBD. The venue’s host is the Sprigg family who have generously opened up their homestead to us. It is a 2 heat race, with heats running as night/morning.
Driver’s meeting: 3pm Saturday 22nd June 2024 racing to start shortly after driver’s meeting weather permitting.
Classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 dog/s, Canicross, Junior, Novice, Veteran 1 & 2 dog, Bikejoring 1 & 2 dog open classes. Non-competitive Touring 1 or 2 Dog either scooter or bikejor (when entering bike for touring class please add note: "bikejor"). Pee Wee and Mini pee wee are all offered.
Class Distances:
Canicross, Touring, Junior, Novice and Veteran - 2.9km
1 Dog Scooter - 3.3km
2 Dog Scooter and 1 Dog Bike - 5.2km
3 Dog and 2 Dog Bike - 5.3km
4 Dog, 6 Dog and 8 Dog - 6km
*The "Driver Name" for each class must be entered into the HANDLER box when registering for each class i.e.Woman's Bikejoring - (Handler = Driver) Suzy Smith
Open classes are $30 and Touring and Pee Wee are $20 for WASSA Members,
*Every person attending the event must add the "Ground Fee" $20 per person to your order i.e. 3 people attending = 3 x Ground Fee's (Children Under 5 Free). All spectators/non-mushers and non-members attending are required to pay a grounds fee.
It is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure their dogs have the required fitness level to run the distance entered. A driver may compete in more than one class at this event, but dogs must only compete in one class. If running more than one class a different dog must be used in each class entered (Canicross excluded).
EVENT ENTRY CLOSING: Sunday 16 June @ 7.00pm
EVENT LATE ENTRY CLOSING: Wednesday 19th June @ 5.00pm $25 late fee. Email your entries and deposit all fees to WASSA account.
EVENT CLASS CHANGES: Class/driver changes will be available via Show Manager up to the event closing 16/06/2024.
EVENT REFUNDS: Self refunding while online entries are open, this must be completed through Show Manager before the closing date 16/06/2024. No Refunds will be given after this cut off time and is the responsibility of the entrant to arrange.
The issued bib must be worn and visible at all times during the race. RFID timing chip will be provided with your bib – note if you do not return your bib & chip to be signed back in by committee or committee appointed representative, a $70 fee is applicable. Please ensure after racing, bib & RFID chip is returned promptly before presentations start. By entering and paying entry fee/s you agree with the above requirements.
Race Information Pack is under blue box above "Schedule" download now.