Fremantle Dog Club (Show 2 -A2O/ANKC) - Championship Show, Sat 12 Oct 2024

Event Alerts

Created: 22 Aug 2024

Change of General Specials Judge

Change of General Specials Judge for A20 show on Saturday PM, Mr Hidemi Takahashi (Japan) will be the GS judge.

Event Questions

There is no FAQ for this event.

Event Details

Sat 12 Oct 2024
Tue 24 Sep 2024
Wed 09-Oct 4:30 PM

Location Details

Canine Centre, Southern River
Southern River Rd



Saturday AM Show 1 - FCI 

Saturday PM Show 2 -   ANKC/A20  - GENERAL SPECIALS WILL NOW BE JUDGE BY: Mr. Hidemi Takahashi (Japan)

Sunday AM Show 3 -  FCI 

UPDATED:  Sunday PM Show 4 - IS NOW A NORMAL  ANKC SHOW -  and will include Open Neuter


FCI classes are:  Baby,  Minor, Puppy, Junior,  Veteran, Intermediate, Open and Champion.

ANKC/A20 classes are: Baby, Minor, Puppy, Junior, Intermediate, State bred, Aust bred and Open.

ANKC Show classes are: Baby,. Minor, Puppy, Junior, Intermediate, State bred, Aust Bred, Open and OPEN NEUTER


Order of judging:
Show 1 FCI  Saturday AM
Alex Rojas - group 3 followed by group 4, 6, 10
David Swartwood -  Group 7 followed by Group 8
Show 2 -  ANKC/A20  Saturday PM
Hidemi Takahashi -  
Pomeranians followed by :Basenji/Cirneco Dell'Etna/Finnish Spitz/Ibizan Hound/Pharoah hound/ Portugese Podengo (also sizes)
followed by Group 3.
David Swartwood - Group 2 followed by Group 4
Fabricio Pastor - Dalmatians followed by  Group 5.
Show 3 - FCI  Sunday AM
Mario Divanni  Group 3 follow by group 4,6,10
Thomas Nesbitt -= Group 7 followed by group 8

Show 4  ANKC/A2OPM  Sunday PM
David Swartwood - British Bulldogs/Great Danes/ Sharpei followed by Group 1.
Fabrico Pastor - Basenji/Cirneco Dell'Etna/Finnish Spitz/Ibizan Hound/Pharoah hound/ Portugese Podengo (also sizes)
followed by group 3
Alex Rojas  -Pomeranians followed by Group 6

Event Judges

General Specials
Mr Hidemi Takahashi (Japan)
Group 1 - Toy Group
Mr T Nesbitt (Canada)
Group 1 - Toy Group
Mr Hidemi Takahashi (Japan)
Group 2 - Terrier Group
Mr D Swartwood (Canada)
Group 3 - Gundog Group
Mr Hidemi Takahashi (Japan)
Group 4 - Hound Group
Mr D Swartwood (Canada)
Group 4 - Hound Group
Mr Hidemi Takahashi (Japan)
Group 5 - Working Dog Group
Mr Fabrico Pastor (Ecuador)
Group 6 - Utility Group
Mr Mario Divanni (Chile)
Group 7 - Non-Sporting Group
Mr Fabrico Pastor (Ecuador)
Group 7 - Non-Sporting Group
Mr Alex Rojas (Mexico)

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