SA Breed Speciality Shows Events - June 2017


June 2017

State Event Name Location Event Type Entries Closing Files
02-Jun-2017 (Friday) [ Back to top ]
SA Dobermann Club of South Australia Inc
Open Show
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SA The Terrier Club of SA Inc
Championship Show
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03-Jun-2017 (Saturday) [ Back to top ]
SA Chihuahua Club of SA Inc
Championship Show
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SA Dobermann Club of SA Inc
Championship Show
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SA Irish Wolfhound Club of SA Inc
Championship Show
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SA Pug Club of SA Inc
Championship Show
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SA Samoyed Club of South Australia
Championship Show
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04-Jun-2017 (Sunday) [ Back to top ]
SA British Bulldog Club of SA Inc
Championship Show
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SA British Bulldog Club of SA Inc
Championship Show
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SA Labrador Retriever Club of SA Inc
Championship Show
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07-Jun-2017 (Wednesday) [ Back to top ]
SA Welsh Corgi Club of SA Inc (National Specialty)
Championship Show
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10-Jun-2017 (Saturday) [ Back to top ]
SA German Shepherd Dog Club of SA Inc Pedigree Park Championship Show Fri 02-Jun Entries Closed
SA Gundog Club of SA Inc
Championship Show
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SA Shetland Sheepdog Club of SA
Championship Show
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11-Jun-2017 (Sunday) [ Back to top ]
SA German Shepherd Dog Club of SA Inc Pedigree Park Championship Show Fri 02-Jun Entries Closed
16-Jun-2017 (Friday) [ Back to top ]
SA Rottweiler Club of SA Inc
Championship Show
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June 2017

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