NSW All Breeds Shows Events - February 2017 (Online Only)


February 2017

State Event Name Location Event Type Entries Closing Files
17-Feb-2017 (Friday) [ Back to top ]
NSW Armidale All Breeds Kennel Club Pembroke Caravan Pak Championship Show Fri 27-Jan Entries Closed
18-Feb-2017 (Saturday) [ Back to top ]
NSW Armidale All Breeds Kennel Club Pembroke Caravan Pak Championship Show Fri 27-Jan Entries Closed
NSW Gundagai Pastrol & Agricultural Society GUNDAGAI SHOWGROUND Championship Show Mon 30-Jan BN Entries Closed
19-Feb-2017 (Sunday) [ Back to top ]
NSW Armidale All Breeds Kennel Club Pembroke Caravan Pak Championship Show Fri 27-Jan Entries Closed
25-Feb-2017 (Saturday) [ Back to top ]
NSW Dorrigo & District Kennel Club Inc (AM SHOW) Coramba Sports Grounds Championship Show Wed 15-Feb 12:00 AM Entries Closed
NSW Dorrigo & District Kennel Club Inc (PM SHOW) Coramba Sports Grounds Championship Show Wed 15-Feb 12:00 AM Entries Closed
26-Feb-2017 (Sunday) [ Back to top ]
NSW Dorrigo & District Kennel Club Inc Coramba Sports Grounds Championship Show Wed 15-Feb 12:00 AM Entries Closed

February 2017

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