VIC Dog Sports Events - May 2017


May 2017

State Event Name Location Event Type Entries Closing Files
06-May-2017 (Saturday) [ Back to top ]
VIC Hungarian Vizsla Club of Victoria Inc KCC Park Agility Sun 23-Apr 8:00 AM Entries Closed
VIC Hungarian Vizsla Club of Victoria Inc KCC Park Obedience Sun 23-Apr 8:00 AM Entries Closed
12-May-2017 (Friday) [ Back to top ]
VIC Weimaraner National 2017 (Weimaraner Club of Victoria Inc)
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20-May-2017 (Saturday) [ Back to top ]
VIC Golden Retriever Club of Victoria Inc Inverleigh Tracking Mon 08-May Entries Closed
VIC Working Dog Club of Victoria Dromana Tracking Wed 10-May 9:00 PM Entries Closed
21-May-2017 (Sunday) [ Back to top ]
VIC Labrador Retriever Club of Victoria Inc KCC Park Obedience Mon 08-May 7:30 PM Entries Closed
28-May-2017 (Sunday) [ Back to top ]
VIC Mornington Obedience Dog Club Inc
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May 2017

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