Using apps to scan our site for when events are added puts additional load on our system and goes against our fair use policy.
Over the coming weeks, we will implement checks on the system to block these types of apps. If you are using an app that automatically scans our site, we recommend you turn this off and stop using it to avoid being blocked by our firewalls.
We had a heap of feedback in regards to using System Credits as prizes and there were two main requests. The exhibitors want to be able to withdraw the credit into their bank account, this is in progress and the clubs would like the option to hand out a voucher so the exhibitor is given a prize, this is complete.
Clubs can still allocate System Credits after the event directly to the exhibitor's account or they now have an option to print Credit Gift Vouchers before the event to be handed out.
The process for both is pretty much the same but we would encourage clubs to print and hand out vouchers as this seems to be the preferred method. When printing the system will print three to a page then you can just cut them up and hand it out!
South Australian Exhibitors can now generate their application for title forms from the results added to your account.
This article will give you more information.
We have added to the Show Manager Steward App and also the Breed Sheets the 'Judge Method' which will indicate if the breed is to be judged on a table, ramp, ground or combination.
Hopefully this will take away the confusion and help the stewards to remember how the breed is to be judged.
Seems like everyone is on the Show Manager Live Results site! So we have added a handy new feature for the clubs to help send out messages.
As the event is running the club is now able to send out a Live Alert from the Show Manager Steward App. This alert will appear on the Live Results site as a pop up a message or you can also subscribe to 'Push Notifications' so that you can receive the alert the same as a text message or app notification.
This article will tell you how to subscribe to receive notifications.
Over the past 12 months Dogs New Zealand has been evaluating different online entry providers and we are thrilled to announce that Show Manager has been selected to partner with Dogs New Zealand to upgrade their show program for clubs. This is a terrific milestone for our business, to take our system into another country and we are really excited by the opportunity.
I would like to thank all the clubs, workers and exhibitors who support us. We have seen a high rate of growth in the recent times with many new clubs joining our family.
When asked why Show Manager was selected, the response from Dogs New Zealand was that the feedback from clubs, stewards and exhibitors in Australia using the different systems was overwhelmingly in our favour. For this we can’t thank you enough and we look forward to serving your needs into the future.
In the system, we store all the Judge profile information, which is used to associate a judge with an event. This information contains the Judge name, email and some other basic information.
If you are a judge, My Judge Links will allow you to link the Judge Profile to your user account. This will allow you to maintain your judge details and also view your upcoming judging appointments in your account.
Click here for more infomation on how to set this up.
This feature will allow the club to easily allocate system credits into the exhbitors account as prizes. If you don't have time to go to the bank and put cash in envelopes, this is a great alternative for prizes!
As well as the Club Credits we have also created some Prize Reports to help you plan your event. Check out the video and if you have any questions let us know!
Help Articles:
- Club System Credits:
- Event Prizes:
Thank you and welcome to all the new clubs that have moved to our system this year. More and more clubs are moving their events to ShowManager all the time and it's wonderful to hear the positive feedback.
We are pleased to announced that the Royal National Capital Agricultural Society has also recently joined the ShowManager family.
From the 'Configure Catalogue' page you can already select the order of the dogs for a class. The options are; Owner Name, DOB, Registration Number and Entered Order. These can also be sorted asending or descending based on your preference.
We have had a request from a few clubs to be able to sort babies in age order from oldest to youngest so we have added a new option to override the order of the Baby Puppy class so that not matter the selection of the class order babies can be sorted in age from oldest to youngest.
With more clubs running raffles from our club activity module we have made it quicker and easier to add and setup a raffle and also include any additional requirements that you may need to include.
Now when you create a new Club Activity the system will ask you if this is a Raffle or other Club Activity. This will then enable new additional options related to running a raffle. For example, you can include the total number of tickets to be sold, the date and location of the draw, the raffle Terms and Conditions, lotter number and more.
When a ticket is sold we will also include the raffle tickets as a separate document with the invoice email, the tickets will also include all the details and terms and conditions of the raffle. These tickets can also be downloaded from your Invoices page or also from the Raffle page.
Check out some of the new changes we have started to implement for Dog Sports.
Steward App, Live Results, Digital Certificates and Scores for Rally and Obedience have been done first with other disciplines coming soon.
Like all our software, there is no cost to the clubs to use this or any other of our other modules.
Special thanks to the clubs and people that have help us get the dog sports up and running!
If you use cash or vouchers for your prizes there is now an easy way to print your class prizes.
When you generate the Class Prize Envelopes just select how many places you want and the system will generate that number of envelopes for each class. Then you can print out all the DL size envelopes and not have to write them out.
Conformation shows have always had this feature which will save a lot of writing, there can be typically 70 - 90 envelopes per show!
Over the past week we have started to update parts of the system to that the exhibitors address details are not longer accessible on reports and export files.
The exhibitor email and phone number will remain so that you can contact the exhibitor, however address details will be removed to help reduces personal information from being accessed.
The majority of the system has been updated with these changes and we will continue to monitor and review the system for other improvements around personal information and it's usage and make the appropiate changes.
There is a feature in the system for Dog Sports catalogues that will allow you to easily bulk update the exhbitor numbers if you need to move dogs around. Often this is used to separate the same exhibitor so they don't have more than one dog running after the other.
After you have run the 'Generate Report Data' step, this will active a button to the right 'Bulk Update Exhibitor Numbers'. This page will step you through the process, but the basics are you download the catalogue excel export file, edit the numbers and then upload the file again.
This will then renumber the dogs and move them around in the catalogue to where you want them to be. It's a quick and easy way to make many changes without having to individually edit and change each entry.
Some clubs have asked to not automatically deposit the funds when the online entries are closed to allow them to process refunds after the event is closed. This typically happens in a ballot type scenario.
We have updated the system so that when you close the online entries you can select a status of 'Active (Hold Funds)', this will close the entries but the system won't automatically deposit the funds into the clubs account allowing you to process any refunds.
When you are finished and ready to receive the funds, all you need to do is edit the event details page and change the Event Status from 'Active (Hold Funds)' to 'None' and this will trigger the system to pay the club on the next daily payment run.
Contact us for more information and help with this feature.
CNCC Showground at Hillsborough has now been added to the list of sites where you can book and pay for you camping.
As Hillsborough camping is paid 'Per Person' the system has also been modified so you can select the number of people when you create a booking. There are no allocated sites so you can just select any booking to be able to pay.
For Exhibitors: It has been requested that this will only be active during events that are run via the Show Manager system. To book and pay for camping simply click on the 'Camping Sites' option from the menu and then select CNCC.
For Clubs: You no longer need to collect camping fees and pass it on to CNCC. The system will automatically activate camping when there is an event at the location and will deposit the funds directly to CNCC.
It can be tricky to keep up with all the different groups and pages in different states to get help and information about an event so we have added a new 'Event FAQ' feature to help keep all the information together in a single handy location.
The Event FAQ will allow the allow the club to have common Questions and Answers added to an event. The Event FAQ will appear on the public event page and from the entry page and will help reply to common questions for an event so that many exhibitors may not need to contact the club with the same question.
The Club can add a FAQ including both the Question and Answer or an exhibitor can also ask a Question.
With a few national shows around the corner, just a reminder to clubs that we can configure the system to ensure challenges are not able to be awarded or issued for the given breed if you are running a show at the same time as the national event and are not to issue challenges.
The system will still allow you to place the classes, however the steward will not be able to place a challenge and no certificates will be issued for the breed.
The person who does the catalogue will be able to configure this for you. From the Configure Catalogue page, click on the 'Judges' tab then select the 'Breeds' link for the judge. Tick the 'Exclude From Challenge' box for the selected breeds.
With more clubs only using the steward app and not printing any certificates from the 'Client Application' we have enhanced the steward app to be able to publish the marked catalogue and also generate state body reports. This is especially handy for speciality shows.
From the list of events click on the 'Reports' button below the event name, then you will be able to publish the marked catalogue (which will also send electronic certificates) and generate the state body files which will create the files used in your state.
Have you ever wondered if those small handler rounds up add up? I was thinking about this today so I checked how much has been donated since we started this feature.
To my surprise there has been a grand total of $32,400 donated by you, the members since we started the round up feature.
Special thank you to everyone who has donated over the years, as you can see it truly does add up and makes a massive difference to their fundraising.
With clubs starting to gather their financial information for reporting we have added a few tweaks to help this along.
* Membership * - Both the summary and detailed membership list reports now have an option for 'Financial Only'. These reports have also been updated to include the membership number.
* Club Accounting * - The Profit & Loss Report and Balance Sheet Report now have a section at the bottom of the report to be able sign and input your position and date. These same reports also now have a 'This Year, Last Year' options which will put the current and previous periods onto the report side by side.
Congratulations to all the NSW members who did a round up with their entries.
Today we transferred $3,008.93 which has been donated by the members. I'm sure the handlers will very much appreciate the assistance.
If your show is running different order than normal you can easily set the sequence order of the breeds by clicking on the 'Breeds' link for the Judge.
If your show is running an out of sequence judging, for example, L-Z then A-K we have a bulk edit screen where you can select the first breed being judged, in this case an L breed. Alternatively, from this page you can also simple reverse the normal judging order by selecting the 'Reverse Order' option to easily change the order of Judging.
Setting the breed order will also flow through to the tabets and other software and reports.
Club Membership has the concept of 'Membership Types' and 'Membership Extras'. Examples of Membership Types are Single, Dual , Family etc... and the Membership Extras can cover everything else. Many clubs may include Donations or Printed Newsletter and other items as part of the membership extras.
When a club is using the Club Accounting module, the system will automatically create the accounts transaction for you to record the membership income saving you from having to input all the details. By default, these costs are allocated to the 'Membership' chart of account.
When configuring the Membership Types and Membership Extras you can now select the chart of account mapping to be used when the transaction is created. This will allow clubs to allocate the income to an account of their choice. If there is no mapping the system will default back to the Membership account.
Recently we have had many clubs request that when an event is processed that it's not active straight away and they would like to open the entries at their desired time or have it hidden from the calendar to allow members to be able to enter the event first.
You can now edit the club details and set your preferred option for when we process an event and setup the online entries. The Default Event Status options are:
- ACTIVE: Automatically Activate straight away. (Default Option)
- CLOSED: Event will be closed when processed allowing you to re-open when you choose.
- HIDDEN: Event will be activated, but will be hidden from the event calendar allowing you to share a link to the event and then make it public when you choose.
- CLOSED AND HIDDEN: A combination of both the other settings.
When these options have been selected, you can then either 'Activate' or 'Re-Open' the online entries from the event details page.
Over the past 6 months ago, since about August 2022 we added read only API access to the Dogs Australia database, this made it very quick and simple to add a dog into your account by just inputting a the dogs registration number and clicking on the Search button.
The most common question we get is that the dogs details are not found, this is typicall due to a 1 day delay from when the database is updated and when we get access to the information.
If your puppies have just been registered and you want to import their information they may not be available until the next day. However, if you can't wait you can still aways manually input all the details.
Recently, we made a change to make it even easier to get a refund or credit if your card is no longer active.
When a refund is processed, the bank will only allow us to refund back to the original card that was used in the transaction. This is good for security as we never store the credit card details, however it can be a pain if your credit card has been lost, stolen or expired as we can't refund the card any more.
We updated the self refund process so that if we can't refund the original card the system will then give you the option to apply a credit to your account to be used for future payments. Any future payment will then automatically use the credit first, then the remainder can be paid with your new credit card.
The option for credit will only appear if the refund fails. If you don't want to apply the credit and still wish to receive the funds, you will need to contact the club running the event to arrange an alternative direct refund.
When you have your approved schedule all ready to go, you can now upload the schedule yourself for processing. When the schedule is uploaded we will also automatically send a copy to DogzOnline as well. This will be the quickest way to get your event up and running ASAP.
Here are the steps:
- From the menu click on 'Club Area' then select 'Club Events'.
- Click on the 'Upload Schedule' button.
- First select the schedule document and then input the basic required information.
- At the bottom of the page, click on save.
And that's it! If you have more than one event, you'll also just need to upload the schedule for the other events.
Another year has passed and it was great to see things getting back to normal.
At the start of the year, we were wondering if all the work we did around making it easy to cancel or postpone an event and enable self-refunding would still be used. Unfortunately, we had many severe weather events causing many cancellations this year, but it was great that the clubs were still able to use all the features we created for COVID to make cancellations as easy as possible for the club and the exhibitors.
It’s been two years since the launch of our Steward App and this product continues to strengthen and improve all the time thanks to ideas and suggestions from stewards and clubs. It’s great to see all the positive feedback, especially the ability to run offline without the internet, so the ring never needs to stop!
2022 saw the launch or many new features and innovations. While Live Results launched over a year ago, this year it has really taken off. It’s amazing to see the amount of traffic this results site now gets with an average of 450,000 views per month. The single largest individual show was the NSW Spring Fair CACIB show with 58,000 results page views.
Fully integrated Free Club Accounting was also a fresh addition this year. Clubs can now use the system at no cost to help manage their finances and accounts. The club can run a profit and loss over a period of time or you can select one or many events to check your probability. There is a nice and easy ‘tick and flick’ bank rec process, but best of all, you can upload your statements and other documents for the transactions to keep them on file for auditing.
Digital Certificates were an extra surprise this year. Now exhibitors can have their certificates delivered by email or download them from their account. With clubs now able to self-print certificates, we saw an opportunity to make this even easier for the club by introducing a Self-Serve kiosk system. Club Members can now spend more time on other activities helping to run the show, as they no longer need a person sitting in the office printing certificates all day.
Thank you to all the exhibitors, existing and new clubs that have supported us this year. We have had more clubs than ever join us and take advantage of all our new innovations. We welcome these new clubs and hope to continue working together in the future. We wish you a wonderful holiday season and look forward to another great year with new and exciting challenges coming!
Jeremy & Ruth
Dogs VIC: An update for Members & Affiliates: At the November 2022 Dogs Victoria meeting of the management committee held on 14 December 2022 management committee resolved the following in relation to online catalogues.
Online Catalogue Resolution: That at all shows in Victoria that are serviced by online providers must provide an online catalogue before the commencement of the show.
A reminder to all Dogs VIC clubs, in Show Manager you can upload your online catalogue ahead of time and set an 'Online Catalogue Release Date Time' for it to become available. This will save you having to remember this on the morning of the show.
Earlier this year, some states declared that the Runner up in Group winner should not receive any points if the dog was not a challenge winner. The example for this would be you placed 2nd in your class, Reserve Challenge and Runner up in Group.
When this was raised, as different states have different views on the rule, we asked for it to be referred to Dogs Australia for clarification and decided to modify the system to not allocate any points for this scenario until it was cleared up.
Last week we received an update that under this scenario the dog is still entitled to the points, being 10 less than then Best in Group winner.
As a result of this ruling, we have refreshed any electronic certificate and result under this scenario to be awarded the allocated points as per the rules. The certificate in your account will now be replaced with a new one that will have the points on it.
Here is a great example of a 3 Generation Catalogue that the Show Manager system can generate for you. In this case, the club then also tweaked the catalogue to add some logo's and Ads to make it look ever better!
The 3 Generation Catalogue is automatically generated into a word document as you see it in the example, saving many hours and days or work and are especially popular for National Catalogues
Special thanks to all the South Australia Exhibitors that round up their entries for donation.
$2369.72 was raised for the recent National and Hander finals!
With all the nationals being held, we have enhanced the system so that when the catalogue is being prepared, the club can now configure a breed to not receive a challenge at the other shows if the rules determine this is the case.
The Steward App will then automatically look after this for you when you get to the challenge and won't allow the challenge to be awarded.
NSW clubs only now need to print on demand, to help make this more efficient we have created a new 'Quick Print' screen.
From the Quick Print screen, just input the exhibit number and the system will then list all the possible certificates for that exhibit. You can send the certificate directly to the printer or view it as a PDF, the certicate can also be the entire self print certificate or just the text if you are printing on supplied certificates.
Another handy new feature is the 'Related Exhibits', when you input an exhibits number, the system will then list the other dogs that the exhibitor has entered. Just click on the dog's name to view the certificates for that do
DOGS NSW has allowed the self printing of the entire certificate on blank paper for NSW shows. I have also confirmed that the certificate DOES NOT need to be in colour. What this means is that you no longer need to order any certificates from the DOGS NSW office if you want to self print the certificates.
We have modified the 'Client Application' so that it can now print the whole certificate with all the dog's details on blank paper, so all you need to do is load the printer with normal blank paper and that's it, the system will print any certificate type!
Due to all the certificates for NSW shows being sent electronically to your account or email address the rules for NSW shows also say that clubs only need to print certificates when requested. To make this easier than ever, we have added a 'Quick Print' option to the application. This will allow you to input the Exhibit Number and quickly print any certificate available for that dog with the single click of a button.
You can still print onto supplied certificates if you choose to so we have added an option in the settings to print either way. If you are not sure, just let me know and I can help you check.
This presentation will give you a overview of how the new Club Point Score feature works. This will allow your club to run it's own point score competitions at your event.
You now have the option to make a Club Activity hidden, this will remove the activity from the public event calendar. This is handy if you have a members only activity or an activity where you don't want it publicly available to purchase.
When you create or edit the club activity just tick the 'Is Hidden' box, then you can share the link to only those whom need to have access.
With there not being any handler finals in the past years the 'Round up' donations have matured nicely.
We have just transferred $6,849.45 to the Qld Junior Handlers being from 12077 donations.
Thank you to all those members that consistiently round up their payments and donate to the Handlers, as you can see it all makes a massive difference and they all add up!
We have updated the Club Security Access so that you can now select which modules a club user has access to, as well as this the club can now have one of its Club Users as the ‘Club Administrator’ which will be able to maintain these access levels and also add and remove users.
This will allow you to have Club Users who look after the Club Memberships module only and won’t be able to view events and entries. This can also be used to give an ‘Accountant’ type person access to the ‘Club Accounting’ module only so that they can access all your accounting data.
As part of the migration to the new access levels all Club Users have access to all modules by default and the Club User that was first added to the club has been designated as the Club Administrator. If the Club Administrator has been wrongly selected you can ask this person to edit your access levels and give you Club Administrator access. If you have Club Administrator access it’s recommended to review who has access to your club and what access levels they need.
This page will have more details.
In this session we will run through all the way the Club Activities module can be used including Raffles, Meetings, Training Sessions, Merchandise & More
CLICK HERE to watch an overview of Dog Results, Digital Certificates and more!
As you may have seen over the last few months the system will now automatically create your results for you. Now with the change in rules in NSW, these clubs will also be able to send certificates electronically. Digital Certificates will be emailed to you as well as being available in your account along side your results. This article will give you an overview.
With the system continuing to grow we appreciate that we all do things differently so we have created a dedicated 'Show Manager Club' group page where you can ask questions about to do tasks in Show Manager.
If you have any club based question feel free to post them in here and as a community we will do our best to help you.
Here is an overview of an exciting new module we have been working on that fully integrates with all the online entries, memberships and other payments into an easy to follow straight forward cash based accounting system.
The system will automatically create all your transactions and separate out income into their respective accounts, so entries, catalogues, camping, membership etc as well as attaching the generated documents to support the transaction.
Assign your expenses to an event or spread it over many events to be able to create a profit and loss per event or you can consolidate your profit and loss over a group of events as a whole.
Easily perform a bank reconciliation and upload your bank statements to keep for future reference.
We are looking for a limited number of clubs to try this out before it's generally released. If you are interested, please send me an email. Also feel free to share this post to help other clubs also take up this great free feature.
A request from our QLD clubs was to be able to record Steward and Writer names as well as the start time of the group.
Above the group button there is now a 'Group Settings' button, click this button to input steward and writer names as well as start time. If the start time has been input the system will also tell you the average dogs judged per min when you change breeds.
For QLD the steward and writer and start times will flow onto the Show Managers report that you can automatically generate.
On the entry you can now add a comment, when you add the comment on the entry this will appear as the exhibit continues through the system. Clicking on the warning icon will also show the comments. This is handy if there is something odd and you need a reminder as the dog progresses through the system.
A request from our stewards in VIC was to be able to 'Check in' dogs. You can click on the small hand to 'Check in' an entry.
This is also hand with Sweepstakes classes to mark off the dogs as they come in so you know which ones to mark absent on the final pass.
Have you every wondered where another ring is up to? Wonder no more! With Show Manager Results when a breed is completed the results are uploaded and can be viewed as they happen.
When an event has results an ‘LR’ (LiveResults) button will appear in the event list, you can also go to the dedicated results site to view all shows that have results coming in.
At the end of the show when the catalogue is published the site will then give you a button with the dog’s name to view all of the dogs’ details, this will also contain a link to their profile page.
If the dogs profile page is a DogzOnline profile the system will also automatically bring in your profile images to view alongside the results!
Hard to believe it been over 12 months since we first started to use our Steward app to record results at the ring.
Thanks to all the clubs and volunteers that have been supporting us and helping to improve the system, we look forward to improving even more in the future and adding more features to help the clubs.
Inputting results for a show is as easy a pressing a few buttons, but the tricky part has always been capturing the judges signatures to print onto the certificates. Most clubs just scan and import the signatures, now you have a new option to capture the signature from the tablets.
Now the judge can now just sign the tablet and this will then download to print onto the certificates, couldn't be easier!
When a show is postponed to a new date we allow the exhibitor to edit their entries to swap dogs or change classes. However if the class is not updated we have introduced a new 'Auto Fix Entries' option that will detect the incorrect age class and move all the incorrect classes to the appropriate age class based on the new event date.
With the continuing requirement in many states to record attendee information we have made it easier to input your details from event to event. Now when you add in your attendee information you can select the ‘Remember Attendee’ option to save your attendee information to be reused for future events.
To add more attendees or update your attendee details you can also select the ‘My Attendees’ option from the ‘My Area’ menu.
Clubs can now set a default refund policy for an event. Options will be;
- NONE: No self refunding, the club will need to process the refund.
- BEFORE OFFICIAL CLOSE DATE: Self refunding will be allowed up to be before the official close date.
- BEFORE ONLINE ENTRIES CLOSE: Self refunding will be allowed while online entries are open.
- ANYTIME: Self refunding is enabled until the club has been paid.
Just edit the event from the event details page in 'Club Area' to select your option.
To help clubs handle these requirement you can now have multiple bank accounts in the system. You can then configure your Memberships and Club Activities and Events to go to your bank account of choice.
The system will always require a default account so if you have not nominated which account we will revert to the default account when making payments.
When the remittance advice is emailed it will now also send a separate email for each bank account which will make it easier for your bank reconciliations.
Currently the system will deposit funds collected from the Club Activities each day as the payments are made. The activity can now be configured to only deposit the funds when the activity is closed, at which time all funds are deposited in a single deposit.
Refunds have also been enabled on the Club Activities, If the funds for the item have not been sent to the club you now have the ability to cancel those items and process a refund directly to the exhibitor.
In summary, if you enable the option to deposit the funds when the activity is closed this will allow you to process any refunds via the system which will prevent you from having to manually return the funds. Also as it's only one deposit into your account this will also make it easier for your bookkeeping.
Previously if we needed to include additional information with the number cards we would add an alert to the event which would email the exhibitors, this feature will reduce having to send the exhibitor multiple emails.
Some states especially in Victoria still have requirements to check-in and register exhibitors on the day at the show. Previously Show Manager was able to print reports which can be used to check-in exhibitors as they come through the gate as well as an app that can be used on your device to do the same electronically.
To enable clubs to process exhibitors more efficiently we have added two new features.
- The exhibitor can now electronically self check-in and show the gate attendant the confirmation page.
- The exhibitor can now print an 'Attendee Slip' which they can pass to the gate attendant.
Whether you want to electronically register or keep paper copies of your attendees we have you covered!
With clubs using more features in the system we have created a financial report that will give you a list of all payments that have been made via Show Manager. The report will separate out all payments into Events, Activities and Membership with a total for each one over the selected time frame which can be used to assist with your bookkeeping.
To run this report all you need to do is;
- From the menu click on 'Club Area' and select 'My Clubs'
- The system will then list all the clubs you have access to, click on the 'Club Name' to view the club details page.
- From the club details page click on the 'Club Payment Review' button.
- Select the date range for the report and click on the 'View Report' button. The system will default the dates to the past 6 months.
For some time clubs have been using the Club Activities feature to sell and print Raffle Tickets. Today we have added a few new features to help with the Raffle Tickets.
Raffle Ticket Multiplier - Now when you create the item to sell and mark it as a raffle ticket you also have the option to select a Raffle Ticket Multiplier. Use this option when selling multiples of a ticket within the one price, for example 3 tickets for $5. In this case you would input 3 as the multiplier and then when the raffle tickets are printed the system will multiply it out automatically for you.
Random Draw Winner - From the sell items tab there is now an option to have the system randomly select a winner from the raffle tickets. Click on the 'Select Random Raffle Winner' button and the system will randomly select and display a winner for you. Should you want to live stream this action the contact details are automatically hidden from the page, but can be viewed by clicking on the 'Click Here to view contact details' link.
Clubs can now upload their ring plan before the show, this will then appear in the event list as a 'RP' button.
Clubs please follow these instruction to upload the ring plan.
- From the menu click on 'Club Area' then click on 'Club Events'.
- Click on the event name to view the event details page.
- From the event details page click on the 'Edit' button.
- Scroll to the 'Upload Ring Plan' section and select the file to upload
- When the file has been selected scroll to the bottom of the page and save.
A link to the ring plan will also be automatically sent to DogzOnline to appear in the DogzOnline event list as well.
We have recently added some new features to the system to help the clubs run events during the Covid-19 restrictions. These new features are aimed to help the club collect contact tracing information as well as limiting numbers.
- New COVID-19 page to record attendees contact information as well as custom terms and conditions/waiver acceptance per state.
- View and edit the event attendees online.
- Print attendee report to be used on the gate of the event to check off attendees as they come and go.
- Limit the number of entries per event or per group (shows).
- Limit the number of attendees per event.
- Limit the number of exhibitor attendees based on the number of entries.
- Clubs are able to view and print all attendee contact information grouped by Car Rego, Name or Breed Group.
- Clubs can now enter 'Workers' into the attendees to be included on the attendee reports. The attendee report will also display the 'Role' of the attendee. Some examples are; Exhibitor, Steward,Writer, Staff, Cleaner.
- Clubs can print or email 'Worker Permits' which the worker can display in their vehicle.
Currently each year the club must tell the system when a new membership year starts. In the latest update we made a change so that the membership year will automatically role forward based on the payments settings.
The system will now use the 'Allowed number of months' before and after renewal settings to determine which year the member is renewing for. For example, if the 'Months After' set to 11 and the 'Months Before' is set to 1 any renewal made up to 11 months after the membership start date will be accounted to the current membership year and any renewal made 1 month or less before the next renewal date will be accounted to the new membership year.
We have updated any club using the club membership module to the new recommended settings, should you need to update these settings please edit the club membership to update the settings to your required values.
A new feature added to the membership renewal is the ability to set the length of the membership renewal in months. By default all membership types have been set to a default of 12 months however you can adjust the renewal length based on the membership type. For example you may have a two year membership in which case you would set the months to 24.
For events where the entry fee is $0.00 the system will no longer apply an online entry fee, effectively making the entry totally free to enter online.
This is handy for clubs and exhibitors where an event offers free entry to property or special classes.
The club is able to add activities which members can attend, This can include any topic such as meetings, lessons and seminars. The activity will also be put into the public calendar and included with the list of events so that members can view the activity along with any events on the same page. A member is able to select an option to attend an activity which will then place the activity into their personal 'My Events' list and 'My Calendar'.
When creating an activity you can also upload any file attachments which may give more details about the activity or any additional required documents such as a waivers or permission slip for that is required to be downloaded and completed. As members select to attend the activity their details will appear in the Attendees list. The Attendees list can be download to a PDF document for viewing or printing or there is also an option to export the Attendees to an excel file.
This feature is FREE for any club to us. Contact us for more help or Download Club Activity Guide Extract
You can now maintain and store your dogs health records online in Show Manager. When adding in a health record for your dog you can select from many different types of health records, some examples include Worming, Flea/Tick, Vaccination and many more. You can also enter the date and optionally add in the vet’s details or upload a document. Any number of documents can be uploaded, this might include a test result, vet bill, any document can be uploaded, you can also add a health record from your phone and take a photo of the document.
Recurring health records are also covered by setting the frequency for the heath record, the system will then automatically create a new periodic heath record for you. We’ll let you know when the new health record has been created but to make life even easier you can also set a reminder so you know when the new health record is due.
Oh, and the best part, it’s free for all users!
Give it try today, from the menu click on ‘My Area’ and select ‘Health Records’
After a litter has been created you can now add a puppy into your 'My Dogs' list by clicking on the 'Add to My Dogs list' button. This will copy all the details that we have on the puppy to create a new dog.
We have added 2 new features to the Shopping Cart.
There is now an edit button so that you can edit entries directly for an event from the shopping cart. Another feature which has been requested a few times is to be able to pay for only one event in the shopping cart, you can now do this by clicking on the event name. By clicking on the event name the system will allow you to pay for only that event, this is handy if you have added many items into the shopping cart but only want to pay for one.
We have enabled a new feature that will allow you to 'round up' your invoice and donate the difference to a selected charity.
The trial will start with QLD users and the monies collected will go towards the QLD State Handler Final. The system will round up your invoice to closest 20c, 50c or $1 amount. There are no additional processing fee's for donations under $1.
Due to increasing costs and keeping up the level of support our users are user are accustomed to we have had to make a slight price adjustment of 20c to 75c per entry.
DNA lookup has also been added to the litter registration process for your Sire/Dam and puppies.
DNA numbers have been added to the online litter processing for parents and also puppies.
Online litter registrations are for Dogs QLD members only however even if you are in another state you can still use the litter registrations to track your litters, puppies and record the puppy owner details. There is no cost to do an online litter registration or use the system to track your litters.
We have added a new feature to help the club handle their raffle tickets. We have always been able to add raffle tickets as an option to an event but now you have the ability to create and print the sold raffle tickets.
Being able to sell and print your own raffle tickets will save you time and effort by not having to write them out. Contact us for more information,
We have recently added Online Litter Registrations to the Show Manager site for Dogs QLD members.
Click here to download a user guide,
We have simplified and also dropped the cost of our multi show catalogue. Simply take the cost of the normal catalogue and then add 55c for each additional show.
For example a 500 dog catalogue costs $1.71 (inc GST) then add 55 cents per show. For 3 shows in the one catalogue the total cost to do and print the catalogue would be $2.81 which works out to 93c per show!
We can also still produce single day steward catalogues and running sheets with only the exhibits entered day to make it easy for workers running the show.
Click here for our catalogue prices
To celebrate our partnership with DOGS Victoria we have some special deals for all Victorian Clubs. Yes you read it right, catalogues done and printed for 99c or less per show!
Tonight we release a new offering to our services. Our new VIRTUAL catalogue service offers the ability for us to do all the hard work of preparing the catalogue and paper work for you and then you can just print it yourself!
This is a great option for remote clubs or clubs that want to leave entries open even longer and print locally.
Click this link for more details,
Many Queenslanders will know the great work that Daryl Cross has been doing in regards to taking videos of the General Specials at Durack (QLD). Daryl has been kind enough to allow me to add the videos to our event pages. This will add another option in being able to find the videos. All you need to do is go to the event diary and click on the event name. I have added the videos from this weekend and will add more over the next few days.
Keep an eye out for the TV icon.
Tip of the week: A rule many forget or newcomers may not know, When entering sweepstakes you also need to enter a normal class.
We have added a warning to the Sweepstakes classes to help remind you.
Show Manager can also take Online Entries for Agility, Obedience, Lure Coursing, Tracking and Hearding ! If you would like to know more please pop us an email.
Did you know that Club or Cataloguer can set an online entry close date! If you select the event from the 'Event Diary' or 'My Events' the event will display an online entry close date if it's been set.
Today we have updated the Show Manager website so that when a postal entry is received in the mail and has an email address with the entries the system will email you a receipt of entries.
The receipt will contain the details of the dog(s) and class that you entered so that you can check that they are all correct.
This feature will save you wondering if your entry was received, so please add your email address if you would like to be notified.
I was on the phone helping a new exhibitor last night and when they entered their dogs I noticed that 3 were from the same litter. After watching them enter all the dogs I figured there must be a better way, so I have added a new 'Add Sibling' feature.
When adding a new dog you have the option to 'Save & Add Sibling' or from the details page of any dog click on the 'Add Sibling' button. This will create a new dog with all the same details as the sibling except for the Registration Number and Name.
Today we launched our Mentor Program, the goal of the Mentor Program is to join new exhibitors with experienced exhibitors with a hope that more new exhibitors will be retained.
Please click here for more information
Your dogs details can now contain up to 3 generations of pedigree.
As part of our continuing work with Dogs QLD and our contribution back to the Exhibitors and Members we are pleased to announce that we have extended our website (at no cost) to be able to track all the Junior Handler results and calculate who has qualified.
We have prepared a copy of the 2 reports that the system will generate. The first report will list out all the results and the other report will show who is qualified. Please have a look through and if you find any errors in the results please email.
Best of all it has also been designed to handle any state, if you would like to easily track handler results in your state and take the trouble out of working out who has qualified, please drop us an email on how we can help.
For a cash and sash show the number of envelopes needed for group prizes quickly ads up. For each Group and BIS over a weekend of 2 shows this quickly becomes 160 envelopes!
Instead of writing them all out by hand we have now created a file based on your shows prize types that they can all be easily printed. We can send you the file or we can print them for you.
About 2 months ago we finalised moving all the catalogue software into the website, since then we have generated more than a dozen catalogues and they all have turn out great. Once the main advantages is that all the reporting for the club now includes consolidate online and postal entries all together on the same documents.
Our system can also handle multi-day catalogues while still printing single day stewards catalogues and stewards sheets.
Click here to download a document that includes some of the features that our catalogue modules is able to offer.
If there is more than one person in your show team you can now have your notifications sent to more than one email address.
- Click on 'My Area'
- Click on 'My Settings'
Then add the email address into the 'Additional Notification Email' text box, you can also comma separate your email address if you need to send to more than 1 other person.
Today we added the ability to easily cancel your entries and refund your credit card. When the refund is approved by the club we can then process the refund which will refund your entries (minus fees) and you will also receive an email of the entries refunded.
The entries will still remain in your ‘My Events’ list however they will now be unpaid. This way if things change and you want to enter your entries are all ready to go.
My Owners and My Dogs have been simplified and merged into ‘My Dogs’. Now when you add in your dogs the ‘Registered Owner’ list has been removed and you only need to enter the Owner Membership Number and Owner Name(s). All the address details will now come from your User Account settings.
When you edit your dog’s details there is now a new option ‘Is Neuter’, if you tick this box we will make sure you only enter Neuter classes. In the Dog’s details there is also an option for ‘Is Import’ if you tick this we will ensure you can’t enter Aus. Bred and State Bred type classes.
Show Manager is small family business owned and run by Jeremy & Ruth Cook, we would like to thank all the exhibitors that have supported us and helped make our site a success. We also owe a special thanks to Joy Lanham who owns and runs her own business Agenor Catalogues, Joy's help and trust in our system has made the whole process far quicker and easier.
As a thank you to all the exhibitors who have supported us we have now included all the Result features of the site into the Free Subscription. This includes tracking of your Dogs Results, Judges, Results Reports and Application for Title Forms.
We have also started work on a new help system to make it even easier to get started, https://
The clubs often ask when most the entries come in so we added a graph to the Catalogue section of the website that gives a summary of the entries. This is a little insight to some of the data that the club is able to view at any time.
Shows that offer online entries and are on at the same time are now grouped together.
When you select an event from the diary the system will ask you if you would like to attend the other shows in the group.
Once you create your entries for the first show and select the 'Create Order' option the system will again prompt you to copy the entries to the other shows in the group.
This will then create an order with all of the shows in the group. From the create order page you still have the option to edit the entries for any individual show in the group.
Event Extras (catalogues) are also copied, however we have the option to mark an extra as 'Do Not Copy'. This is used when the shows has 1 catalogue for all shows or extras like camping won't be copied to all the other shows.
We did an update to better identify the shows that are offering automatic entries. Now once a show has been flagged as having auto entry it will display a warning bar on that event. This warning will appear on all pages until the create order page.
Thanks to our integration with our friends at DogzOnline we have now added the Judges into the details of all the shows. You can click on the Judge link to view the Judges profile on DogzOnline. When you view the event from 'My Events' we have added a new Judges Tab so you can still see who the judges are when creating your entries.
It's free to have a Judges Profile on DogzOnline so head over and update your profile today.
We now have approval for our Tasmanian exhibitors to use our results system and print off a fully completed Application for Title form with all your results listed out.
Thanks Dogs Tasmania for helping us out, they are also one of the few states that give us early access to the schedules so we can get all the shows in nice and fast.
Some small updates to allow you to add better filtering on the calendar. You can now filter just the 'All Breeds' or 'Speciality' shows.
We have also added the 2nd generation to the Dogs details, now you can also include the Sire and Dam's parents.
Junior Handler section has now been added into 'My Area'. From here you can enter in all your Junior Handler details, track your results from shows and even print a Junior Handler Entry Form. The Junior Handler Entry form is a template with 3 forms to a page with all your details except for the show name and date, so keep a few in the tack box and grab them out when needed.
We are proud to introduce Advertising for Businesses in our catalogues.
We all know how much time we can spend sitting around at a show waiting and reading the catalogue, your business can take advantage of this captive and targeted market. We offer reasonable rates and you only pay for the number of catalogues that we produce.
Clubs can also benefit from the advertising as we will share the revenue with the club to help reduce the cost of creating the catalogues. There is no extra work for the clubs, We will take care of the payments, proof the ads and also cover the cost of printing.
Interested? contact us at
Have you ever wanted to find an easy way see how you have done under a certain judge before?
Now it's easier than ever, from 'My Judges' just search for your judge by name, then select the judge to view all results you have for that judge.
Are you a Club or Cataloguer that wants online entries but would still like to have a copy of the entry forms?
Well good news! Now you can print all your online entries as entry forms. We also clean up the layout to make them easier to read and fit 3 to a page.
From any Event you can add your results, however there has never been an easy way to put in all the old results. Now from the Dogs Details page you can select the 'Results' button, this will give you a list of all the results for the dog. From this page you can also add in all your old results so you can take advantage of the 'Results Reports' and 'Application For Championship Title'.
Today we have introduced a more affordable and simplified subscription model. You can now sign up for a Free Standard Account or upgrade to our Premium Account. For existing users who have paid a subscription you will automatically be upgraded to the Premium Account.
Part of the new simplified subscription also includes unlimited dogs for both accounts, check out the Membership page for more information.
We have been working with a local Cataloguer (Agenor Catalogues) and we have increased our integration with DogzOnline. Using the Show Manager Client application with the click of a button all the events details are imported into Show Manager, then all the events reports (Breed Numbers etc) will automatically generate and post onto the DogzOnline website.
To help the clubs on the day of the show the Show Manager Client application is also able to installed on a local computer at the show and has been designed to run offline where we can’t guarantee internet connectivity. Show Manager client will print your challenge certificates and then store the results for later use.
Being more than online entries we offer a complete solution from taking entries, manual or online, creating all the shows paperwork including the catalogue to supplying companion applications on the day of the show to help reduce the work for the committee.
If you would like a solution like this for your next show contact us for more information.
Today we are please to announce that we will soon be offering online entries. We have worked very hard to keep the process of creating an online entry exactly the same as you create your entries now but instead of just printing you will also have the option to pay online.
There is an FAQ on the web site that will answer all you questions, head to
We believe in making online entries affordable so our charges will be .50c per entry with a small Credit Card processing fee per payment.
We will also be offering free online entries at some shows so keep an eye on this page for more information.
You will now receive an alert for an Event that is near you but you have not yet entered, now you can make sure you don't miss out on any shows. By default we set the radius to 300km from your address, however you can configure this radius to what ever distance you prefer from the 'My Settings' option.
There is now an option to view all the events in the country from the 'Map View', just select the 'Map View' button from the event diary.
Some good new for our QLD users, last week we were fortunate enough to have a meeting with the General Manager of Dogs Qld, Mr Rob Harrison. We talked about our web site and also what we have coming soon. Rob was excited about what we have and we have agreed to try to work together. One of the first things we have done is to make it easier for you to complete your 'Application for Championship Title'
If you have been entering your results you can now automatically generate the 'Application for Championship Title' to be sent to Dogs QLD.
From the Reports Menu select the 'Application for Title' button, then just select your dog and the type of title you are applying for and the rest is generated for you, how easy is that!
About 3 days before an event you will receive an alter reminding you about the upcoming event. This alert will give you the details of the event and also remind you of what dogs you have entered and the classes you entered them in. We will also include any extra data if it's available, so if we have the weather forecast for the events location we'll also add that.
Here is an example of the alert, remember that alerts can be configured from your settings page.
In a recent update we have enabled the ability to print a blank entry form for a dog. This will include all the dogs details but will leave all the event details empty and can then be manually written out. This is useful if you need to enter a show that is well in advance and is not yet in our system.
To run this report just select your dog from the list and there is a button to download the blank entry form.

From the start of August 2013 we will begin to import all the events from the DogzOnline Event Diary . This is very generous of DogzOnline and will save us an enormous amount of work.
Once the events are imported we will then validate all the data before the event is made available to use. Once this occurs users will no longer be able to edit any part of the event details. We also have the option to select what classes are available and also the cost of the class, if we enter this data then when you create an entry the classes will be restricted to the ones we have nominated and also the cost will be automatically entered.
Previously to set the Catalogue and Camping amounts you needed to edit the event details and add in the amounts. This has been changed to a list, which we are able to customise this list on a per event level. If we have not defined which extras are available then a default set will automatically be added, this will include Catalogue, Camping and Members Subscription.
When the entry form is created Catalogue and Members Subscription amounts are put into their area, any other extras will be totalled together and put into the Sundries area.
User notifications have been added. By default any notification is emailed and also a alert is displayed in the notification box.
Notifications can be maintained from My Settings